World Markets

World Markets – A New Way to Trade Currencies

World Markets is a leading award-winning international investment platform, which enables individuals to achieve unconnected yet consistent returns by trading in digital assets and precious metals. The business was launched in 2021 as a penny auction precious metals trader. Over the years of development, the business later switched its services to provide fully-customized online Artificial Intelligent (AI) managed account services. The most promising area in which the business has developed is the field of digital asset management.

Currently, World Markets offers two types of accounts: the standard and the gold premier accounts. The standard account is similar to the traditional forex broker account and it still allows traders to trade using the same trading platform which they used when opening the account. However, the platform provided in the standard account is limited to the standard assets like gold and silver while the gold premier account allows users to trade in other precious metal pairs including platinum, palladium, and nickel. The business also provides industry-specific demo accounts for traders to practice trading on a simulated trading platform. If you are planning to use the demo account, you should read the terms and conditions carefully to avoid any violation of the rules.

In addition to the standard accounts, the World markets offers three types of deposit money option. The traders can use the standard deposit money option to open new accounts and transfer funds between their account and the World markets. Another option for depositing money is to use the credit card method, wherein traders can deposit the money at a designated bank in real time and then transfer funds in real time between their account and the World markets.

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