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Currencies Exchange
A currency in the strictest sense is currency in circulation as a legal medium of trade, usually circulating coins and banknotes with a recognized government. When a country’s currency changes in relation to other currencies, that country’s nominal unit of account changes, i.e. the rate of currency against another country’s currency becomes different from the previous transaction, i.e. if a given amount of British pounds are worth 100 Canadian dollars at the time of the transaction, then the value of the British pound has changed since the transaction was made.
Most nations have a specific legal tender in respect of their currency, often referred to as the pound/credibility (GBP). This bond is essentially a promise by a government to pay its currency or gold (the Canadian dollar) if another nation’s currency is worth more than the latter on the date specified by the creditor. Examples of convertible currencies are the U.S. dollar (USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), Swiss franc (CHF), Chinese Yuan (CZ), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPN) and Swiss franc (CHF). On the other hand, virtual currency is non-convertible currencies that are not backed by any legal tender whatever. Virtual currencies are usually traded over the Internet and thus it can be difficult to obtain physical products.
Today, many foreign exchange market participants are individuals, banks, payment service providers (such as banks, payment providers, and online brokers) and other financial institutions that participate in the exchange. The major units of foreign exchange are U.S. dollar(USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), British pound (GBP), Japanese yen (JPN), and Euro (EUR). The major international currency pairs are the major currencies used in trading activities over the Foreign Exchange Market. More information on international currencies and the forex market is available from the web site of CFTC.